
Hey Hello Hi!

I’m Clare. I like to go places, see things and meet people. That’s what this blog will be about. I’m working my way around this glorious blue marble of ours and i am delighted to have you along for the ride.

When i began (and i may be again now, who knows?) i was living in my backpack. Its name is Beibao and we have lots of adventures; first heading South by sooo many trains from NE China to SE Asia, then skipping Westward to Istanbul in the grand and modern invention of the airplane and then throwing it back old school with a thumb and a few bus tickets to get to the Westest coast of the Eurasian continent (with many a loop and detour in between) and finally continuing all the way back around the globe to where i originally started (read: was born)- Boulder, Colorado and taking a quick roadtrip of my home country.

That’s the long and short of it! And only what happened between February and September of 2015. So you’re here! Explore with me! You can find all the juicy details and silly anecdotes of my misadventures in my posts. Take your time, it’s a lot of words…

Thanks for popping by! Onward into the setting sun!

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